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Aspose.ZIP for .NET 22.5 Release Notes
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.ZIP for .NET 22.5.
All Changes
Key | Summary | Issue Type |
ZIPNET-878 | Fix multi-folder 7z extraction. | Bug |
ZIPNET-875 | Respect .NET 6 breaking changes. | Enhancement |
ZIPNET-837 | Extract XAR archive. | Feature |
ZIPNET-855 | Extract WIM archives with Xpress compression. | Feature |
ZIPNET-843 | Extract WIM archives with LZX compression. | Feature |
ZIPNET-889 | Implement LZMA archive format. | Feature |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following public types were added: | Description |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimArchive | This class represents wim archive file. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimDirectoryEntry | Represents single directory within wim archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry | Represents single file or directory within wim image. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimFileEntry | Represents single file within wim archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimImage | Represents single image within wim archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarArchive | This class represents xar archive file. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarCompressionMethod | Enumeration with supported compression methods of xar. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarDirectoryEntry | Represents single directory entry within xar archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarFileEntry | Represents single file entry within xar archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarEntry | Represents single entry within xar archive. |
Aspose.Zip.LZMA.LzmaArchive | This class represents lzma archive file. |
Aspose.Zip.LZMA.LzmaArchiveSettings | Settings for LZMA compression method within lzma archive. |
The following public methods and properties were added: | Description |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimArchive.#ctor(Stream sourceStream) | Initializes a new instance of the WimArchive class and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimArchive.#ctor(string path) | Initializes a new instance of the WimArchive class and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimArchive.Images | Gets entries of WimImage type constituting the archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimArchive.Guid | Gets the identifying GUID for the archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimArchive.BootImageIndex | Gets the (zero-based) index of the bootable image. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimArchive.FileFormatVersion | Gets the version of the file format. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimArchive.Manifest | Gets the embedded manifest describing the file and the contained images. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimDirectoryEntry.Directories | Gets entries of WimDirectoryEntry type constituting the directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimDirectoryEntry.Files | Gets entries of WimFileEntry type constituting the directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimDirectoryEntry.FilesAndDirectories | Gets entries of WimEntry type constituting the directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimDirectoryEntry.AllEntries | Gets all entries of WimEntry type constituting the directory recursively. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimDirectoryEntry.ExtractToDirectory(string destinationDirectory) | Extracts all the files in the current directory to the directory provided. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.Archive | Gets the archive the entry belongs to. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.Image | Gets the image the entry belongs to. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.Parent | Gets the parent directory the entry belongs to. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.Name | Gets name of the entry within image. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.ShortName | Gets short name of the entry within image. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.FullPath | Gets full path of the entry within image. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.ChangeTime | Gets the last time the file or directory was changed. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.CreationTime | Gets the creation time of the file or directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.LastAccessTime | Gets the last access time of the file or directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.LastWriteTime | Gets the modification time of the file or directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.FileAttributes | Gets the file or directory attributes. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.AlternateDataStreams | Gets the names of the alternate data streams for a file or directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.HardLink | Gets the hardlink id of the file or directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.HasHardLinks | Gets whether the file or directory is known by other names. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimEntry.IsDirectory | Gets a value indicating whether the entry represents directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimFileEntry.Length | Gets the length of the entry in bytes. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimFileEntry.Open() | Opens the entry for extraction and provides a stream with entry content. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimFileEntry.Extract(string path) | Extracts the entry to the filesystem by the path provided. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimFileEntry.Extract(Stream destination) | Extracts the entry to the stream provided. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimImage.RootDirectory | Gets the root directory entry of the image. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimImage.Parent | Gets the archive the image belongs to. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimImage.GetEntry | Gets the entry of WimEntry type for a given path. |
Aspose.Zip.Wim.WimImage.ExtractToDirectory(string destinationDirectory) | Extracts all the files in the image to the directory provided. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarArchive.#ctor(Stream sourceStream) | Initializes a new instance of the XarArchive class and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarArchive.#ctor(string path) | Initializes a new instance of the XarArchive class and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarArchive.ExtractToDirectory | Extracts all the files in the archive to the directory provided. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarArchive.Entries | Gets entries of XarEntry type constituting the archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarDirectoryEntry.FilesAndDirectories | Gets entries of XarEntry type constituting the directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarDirectoryEntry.Directories | Gets entries of XarDirectoryEntry type constituting the directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarDirectoryEntry.Files | Gets entries of XarFileEntry type constituting the directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarDirectoryEntry.AllEntries | Gets all entries of XarEntry type constituting the directory recursively. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarDirectoryEntry.ExtractToDirectory(string destinationDirectory) | Extracts all the files in the current directory to the directory provided. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarFileEntry.Length | Gets the length of the entry in bytes. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarFileEntry.Open(); | Opens the entry for extraction and provides a stream with entry content. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarFileEntry.Extract(string path) | Extracts the entry to the filesystem by the path provided. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.Extract(Stream destination) | Extracts the entry to the stream provided. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarEntry.Archive | Gets the archive the entry belongs to. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarEntry.Name | Gets name of the entry within archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarEntry.FullPath | Gets full path of the entry within archive. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarEntry.IsDirectory | Gets a value indicating whether the entry represents directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarEntry.Parent | Gets the parent directory the entry belongs to. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarEntry.CreationTime | Gets the creation time of the file or directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarEntry.LastAccessTime | Gets the last access time of the file or directory. |
Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarEntry.LastWriteTime | Gets the modification time of the file or directory. |
Aspose.Zip.LZMA.LzmaArchiveSettings.DictionarySize | Dictionary (history buffer) size indicates how many bytes of the recently processed uncompressed data is kept in memory. |
Aspose.Zip.LZMA.LzmaArchive.Extract(Stream destination) | Extracts lzma archive to a stream. |
Aspose.Zip.LZMA.LzmaArchive.Extract(FileInfo fileInfo) | Extracts lzma archive to a file. |
Aspose.Zip.LZMA.LzmaArchive.Extract(string path) | Extracts lzma archive to a file by path. |
Aspose.Zip.LZMA.LzmaArchive.SetSource(Stream source) | Sets the content to be compressed within the archive. |
Aspose.Zip.LZMA.LzmaArchive.SetSource(FileInfo fileInfo) | Sets the content to be compressed within the archive. |
Aspose.Zip.LZMA.LzmaArchive.SetSource(string sourcePath) | Sets the content to be compressed within the archive. |
Aspose.Zip.LZMA.LzmaArchive.Save(Stream output) | Saves lzma archive to the stream provided. |
Aspose.Zip.LZMA.LzmaArchive.#ctor(Stream source) | Initializes a new instance of the LzmaArchive class prepared for decompressing. |
Aspose.Zip.LZMA.LzmaArchive.#ctor(LzmaArchiveSettings settings = null) | Initializes a new instance of the LzmaArchive class and composes the archive in lzma format. |