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Aspose.ZIP for .NET 25.1 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
ZIPNET-1239Extract ARJ archive.Feature
ZIPNET-1241Do not refer superfluous dependencies for .NET Framework 4.6.1 and above.Enhancement
ZIPNET-1243Drop LHA archive directory entry. Expose path and modification date of LHA entry.Enhancement
ZIPNET-1244Do not extract LHA archive from too short stream.Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public types were added:Description
Aspose.Zip.ARJ.ArjArchiveClass representing ARJ archive file.
Aspose.Zip.ARJ.ArjEntryPlainClass representing single file within ARJ archive.
The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Zip.ARJ.ArjArchive.#ctor(…)Initializes a new instance of the ArjArchive prepared for extraction
Aspose.Zip.ARJ.ArjArchive.ExtractToDirectory(string)Extracts all entries to the specified directory.
Aspose.Zip.ARJ.ArjArchive.NameGets the original name.
Aspose.Zip.ARJ.ArjArchive.EntriesGets entries constituting the ARJ archive.
Aspose.Zip.ARJ.ArjArchive.CommentaryGets the commentary.
Aspose.Zip.ARJ.ArjEntryPlain.CompressedSizeGets size of compressed file.
Aspose.Zip.ARJ.ArjEntryPlain.NameGets name of the entry within archive.
Aspose.Zip.ARJ.ArjEntryPlain.UncompressedSizeGets size of original file.
Aspose.Zip.ARJ.ArjEntryPlain.Extract(…)Extracts the entry to the destination provided.
Aspose.Zip.Lha.LhaArchiveEntry.IsDirectoryGets a value indicating whether this entry a directory.
Aspose.Zip.Lha.LhaArchiveEntry.LastModifiedGets the last modified time of the entry.
The following public types were removed:Description
Aspose.Zip.Lha.LhaDirectoryEntryEntry representying directory.